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Coming Out of Quarantine



Here are some conditioning drills that I have picked from various NBA team's pre-draft workouts.

Figure 8 Conditioning Test

Each Player does this with or without a ball for 30 seconds. A college basketball player should be able to get 7.5 points in 30 seconds. Every time a player loops around a cone he gets 1 point. However, a coach will credit a player with fractions of a point based on where they finish at the conclusion of 30 seconds.


Fastest 40

Each "5" = 5 Down & Backs

1st 5: 17 seconds

  • each player has 17 seconds to run 1 Down & Back, then they start the second Down & Back every-minute-on-the-minute (EMOM). Each group of 5 should take 6 minutes, with the last Down & Back starting at the 5:00 mark.

2nd 5: 16 seconds

3rd 5: 15 seconds

4th 5: 14 seconds

5th 5: 13 seconds

6th 5: 12 seconds

7th 5: 11 seconds

8th 5: 10.5 seconds

This is a long drill (approximately 45 minutes).


Celtics Ladder (with a partner)

Each partner group (player A and player B) have 5:45 to complete this ladder. While player A is running, player B rests, and vice versa.

Player A: 5 Down & Backs

Player B: 5 Down & Backs

Player A: 4 Down & Backs

Player B: 4 Down & Backs

Player A: 3 Down & Backs

Player B: 3 Down & Backs

Player A: 2 Down & Backs

Player B: 2 Down & Backs

Player A: 1 Down & Back

Player B: 1 Down & Back


The Gauntlet (Track workout)

1 mile for time

2:00 rest

800m run in 1/2 time of mile run

2:00 rest

400m run in 1/2 time of 800m run

2:00 rest

200m run in 1/2 time of 400m run


Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light (Track workout)

Each player SPRINTS 200m, JOGS 200m, then WALKS 100m.

Repeat this cycle 8 times.



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