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Don Meyer's Foxhole Test


Years ago, I was fortunate enough to speak with my Head Coach at the time, Happy Osborne, at The East Tennessee Basketball Coaches Clinic. I believe this clinic was held at Science Hill High School, Johnson City, TN. Coach Don Meyer was the keynote speaker that day. What was cool to witness was how respectful Coach Meyer spoke of the program I was coaching at. We had played each other the previous season in the NAIA Fab Four.

During his talk, he demonstrated how he gave his team the Foxhole test every season. Here is the test:

Give each player a piece of paper. Have them draw a circle with their name at the front (top) of the circle. Then ask them to write the name of the teammate they trust most at the bottom of the circle. This teammate would literally "have their back" or "cover their six." This teammate is assigned three points.

Next have them write a name of the teammate they would want to "protect their flank." This teammate's name is written to the left of the circle and is assigned two points.

Thirdly, have them write the name of the teammate they would want on their right. This should be the third most trusted teammate in their opinion. This name is assigned one point.

Add the points up from everyone's Foxhole test and you will find out which teammates are trusted the most.

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