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Pass Ahead To Corner (Secondary Action)


Corner (Boomerang Action)

In Diagram 1: PG makes a strong ballside cut, but plants and makes a reverse cut, receiving the ball back from 3. PG makes a strong catch & rip to the RH.

In Diagram 2: PG wants to try to get inside the opposite elbow. 5 may be open for lob pass or corner of backboard (COB) pass if 5x helps on PG's drive. The strong-side action is a hammer screen.


Corner (Ram Screen)

In Diagram 1: Once the PG passes ahead to the corner he makes a hard ball-side basket-cut. Once to the opposite corner, the 2 will lift.

In Diagram 2: As the PG clears through, 5 screens for 4 to set a inside ball-screen on 3 at least FT line extended or lower. PG wants to attack inside first elbow if he can. 5 will loop-cut to the corner of the backboard seeing if 5x helps on PG's drive.

In Diagram 3: 4 does roll hard toward the block, but cuts sharply to the corner or "pop" position. This is a roll-pop cut. PG has penetration & pitch to the loaded side. This type of cut, will put 5x in a position to tag the roll man (4), thus allowing a duck-in opportunity for 5.

I'd love to know your thoughts on this action. We haven't implemented it as of yet, but I like the spacing options.

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