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Stagger Zoom

A play gaining in popularity in college basketball

  • DHO on the wing, preferably to your best ballscreen playmaker.

  • Both bigs stagger for the other wing.


  • The cutter off the stagger is screen #1 of a stagger ballscreen.

  • 3 will pop wide after the 2 clears their screen.

  • 5 is screen #2 of the stagger ballscreen.


  • 5 rolls opposite corner -of-backboard (COB) looking for lob.

  • This action has two reads: 1) x5 will more than likely have to help on the second ballsceen, so x3 is either going to have to help on the roll or stay tight to 3 on the perimeter. 2 has to make the read.

  • 1 clears ballside corner off of 4's screen.

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